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Link details: Davao Medical School Foundation

Davao Medical School FoundationdirectoryTitle: Davao Medical School Foundation
directoryURL: https://www.davaocollege.com/
directoryPage Rank: 0
directoryID: 90617

   |___Arts & Humanities

directoryDescription: Davao medical college, philippines is committed to fulfilling the dreams of international medical aspirants who seek to study MBBS abroad in a reputable institution. At Davao medical college, the focus is on providing education and services with an emphasis on primary health care, research, patient care, community health, and engagement. The primary goal is to produce highly skilled healthcare professionals who can contribute positively to society. International students at Davao Medical School Foundation gain valuable clinical knowledge through clerkship programs in affiliated hospitals such as San Pedro Hospital, Brokenshire Memorial Hospital, and Southern Philippines Medical Centre (formerly known as Davao Medical Center). Davao Medical School Foundation comes under the mci approved medical colleges. The college’s guiding principle is centered on ensuring comfort, delivering high-quality healthcare, and offering top-notch service to the community.
directoryAddress: Gopalapuram, Chennai
directoryCity: Chennai
directoryState: Tamil Nadu
directoryPostal code: 500000
directoryCountry: India
directoryAlexa Ranking: 0
directoryAlexa LinksIN: 0
directoryAlexa Graph:

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