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Link details: Security Safes at Discount Prices

Security Safes at Discount PricesdirectoryTitle: Security Safes at Discount Prices
directoryURL: http://www.advancesafes.com
directoryPage Rank: 4
directoryID: 39317

      |___Home and Garden

directoryDescription: All our Fire Safes meet or exceed the International Standard of fire safe design and construction. At a wholesale price, we offer security and fire protection for the home, office or business. The destruction of business and legal documents can retard a company's growth for years. Many businesses do not survive the devastating effects of a fire. Fire safes are an absolute necessity for any business, office or home. Our complete line of Mesa, Diplomat and Hollon Fire Safes are a wise choice for the storage of irreplaceable documents and possessions. Safes at wholesale prices.
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